Are you familiar with the beneficial properties of garlic? A ‘must’ in Italian kitchens and in Mediterranean countries in general, garlic, in addition to giving a unique flavour to many dishes, has many medicinal properties that have been recognized for thousands of years (starting with the Egyptians) and confirmed by modern science. Discover all the virtues of garlic here.
A ‘must’ in Italian kitchens, especially in Mediterranean countries, garlic has many medicinal properties that have been recognized for thousands of years.
The virtues of garlic in the ancient world
The first to speak of the virtues of garlic was the Egyptian Hermes Trismegistus, considered the father of all sciences. The pharaohs had it administered to the workers involved in the construction of the pyramids to protect them from intestinal diseases and infections. From Egypt, garlic cultivation spread throughout the Mediterranean: the Greeks gave it to soldiers before the battles because it was considered a “concentration” of power and energy.
Alexander the Great dedicated the garlic plant to the gods of war.
The Romans ate large amounts during banquets, it was considered a sexual stimulant.
In short, garlic in the ancient world was the main ingredient in therapeutic and magical prescriptions: for example, it was considered very effective against snake venom.
Garlic was also thought to keep the ghosts of the dead away and to protect from spells.
The virtues of garlic in science
The main therapeutic properties of garlic were scientifically defined by Pasteur in 1858: antibiotic, antiseptic, balsamic, anti-hypertensive.
Properties and benefits of garlic

For thousands of years, therefore, it has been recognized that garlic has many medicinal properties. It is great for protecting us from influenza, for preventing skin diseases, it is considered an effective barrier against the cold, but above all it is an excellent and infallible disinfectant for the intestine.
Why is it good for us?
Garlic (Allium sativum) contains, in addition to essential oil, trace elements and minerals, vitamins A, B1, B2, PP and C.
A clove of garlic is a reservoir of active ingredients highly effective for healing such as allicin, sulfur, B vitamins. It is a powerful natural bactericide.
It has antihelminthic properties against ascarides and oxides, antimucolytics, hypotensives, expectorants, digestives, carminatives, antiseptics, hypoglycemics.
What is garlic good for?
- It stimulates the heart.
- It facilitates circulation and purification of blood. It is useful, in fact, in controlling cholesterol and triglycerides and in improving the ratio between LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol.
- It is useful in chronic infections caused by Candida albicans and those of the respiratory system.
- It is a powerful vermifuge: garlic juice has been shown to be effective in eradicating intestinal worms.
An interesting fact: the role of garlic in the two world wars
During World War I, the doctors of the British, French and Russian armies treated infected wounds with garlic juice fairly successfully, while during World War II, it was particularly used by the doctors of the Red Army, and for this reason it was called "the Russian penicillin".
Calories and nutritional values of garlic
100 g of garlic contains 41 kcal / 171 kj.
In addition, every 100 g of this product contains:
- Water 80 g
- Carbohydrates 8.4 g
- Sugars 8.4 g
- Protein 0.9 g
- Fat 0.6 g
- Cholesterol 0 g
- Total fibre 3.1 mg
- Sodium 3 mg
- Potassium 600 mg
- Iron 1.5 mg
- Calcium 14 mg
- Phosphorus 63 mg
- Vitamin B1 0.14 mg
- Vitamin B2 0.02 mg
- Vitamin B3 1.30 mg
- Vitamin A 5 µg
- Vitamin C 5 mg